Get Activated Tenant Information   

When you call the apps/tenant endpoint, you'll receive a response that lists the tenants and locations (tenantIds and locationIds) that are currently activated by your integration or app, as well as the subdomain (publicApiUrl) that each tenant resides in. Take note of this information, as you'll need those details when making a request for a location's deltas.

In cases where you want information about one specific tenant without having to parse through a potentially long list, you can set a ?tenantUrl query parameter that will accept either the tenant ID or tenantURL (also known as "short code URL").

Why tenant information is important

It's vitally important to know a tenant's publicApiUrl because to successfully request deltas from a location, you'll need to include the tenant's publicApiUrl in the call.

tell them to cache locally?

A Meevo production environment has multiple clusters, so it's possible that you will be working with locations across several clusters. For example, you may have a tenant with locations in, and another tenant with locations in

When to use this endpoint

As it's possible that tenants may be migrated between clusters overnight, we recommend you use this endpoint at the start of each day to know your tenant's publicApiUrls.

To obtain tenant information

To request tenant information:

  • Send a GET request to the endpoint below.
  • Remember to include the bearer JSON Web Token in the header.
  • To get a specific tenant's information, set a ?tenantUrl query parameter that will accept either the tenant ID or tenant URL


GET  {{MarketplaceURL}}/apps/tenant

Example calls

In this example, we are using the Test Bed Marketplace URL ( When your app or solution goes live, you will use the Production Marketplace URL.

All activated tenants and locations

To request information for all tenants and locations who are activated by your app:


Example calls for a specific tenant

To request information for a specific tenant:




Example response






: [







Field Name



The tenant ID within that cluster.


The URL of the cluster that the tenant resides in.


The public API URL for this tenant. You will need to pass a tenant's public API URL when making a call for deltas.


The business name; also referred to as the "URL short code."


The IDs of locations that are currently activated by your app.